An elderly lady, feeling a bit lonely, decided it was time for a pet to keep her company. After a trip to the pet shop, she came across a frog that didn’t look very impressive at first.
As she passed by his cage, the frog gave her a wink and whispered, “I’m lonely too, buy me, and you won’t regret it.”
Thinking she had nothing to lose, she bought the frog and headed to her car.
As she drove home, the frog spoke again, “Kiss me, and you won’t be sorry.”
Feeling adventurous, she gave the frog a kiss.
Suddenly, the frog transformed into a handsome young prince! He kissed her back, and then… well, here’s the surprise.
Instead of turning into a princess, the old lady turned into the first motel she could find!
Hey, she’s old, not a saint!