The Summer I Almost Had a Chance
It was May 28th, years ago, when I came back from a long summer trip. As I walked through the door, my friend Jamal, already lounging on the couch, called …
The Summer I Almost Had a Chance Read MoreIt was May 28th, years ago, when I came back from a long summer trip. As I walked through the door, my friend Jamal, already lounging on the couch, called …
The Summer I Almost Had a Chance Read MoreThe rain poured relentlessly, blurring the neon lights of the city into a colorful blur. I stood under the awning of a convenience store, holding a crumpled job rejection letter …
The Second Chance Read MoreIt was late November 2009 when my Grandpa, 68 years old at the time, faced a serious farming accident that nearly cost him his life. He was driving a tractor …
A Survivor’s Tale: My Grandpa’s Battle With Anhydrous Ammonia Read MoreAlmost nine years ago, my father, then 55 years old, suffered a massive heart attack. It happened in the early morning hours of Saturday, February 20, 2016. My mother was …
A Second Chance at Life Read MoreI sat on the couch, TV flickering in the dim light, a beer in my hand, and a victorious smile stretching across my lips. I had done it. I had …
The Final Move ——Game Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a couple celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. They had become local legends, known far and wide for having never had a single argument in …
A married couple never fight in 25 years Read MoreA man went to see his doctor, complaining that he hadn’t been feeling well lately. The doctor examined him and prescribed three types of pills. “Take the green one with …
What is My Problem? Read MoreThe Fabulous Flight Attendant and the Princess I was on a flight recently, and the flight attendant—who was absolutely fantastic—was really living it up. He was serving drinks and food …
Flight Attendant Delivers Epic Comeback to Arrogant Passenger Read MoreAn elderly man notices his wife seems to be having difficulty hearing, so he suggests she take a hearing test. She firmly refuses, insisting there’s nothing wrong. Determined to prove …
An Old Man Decides to Prove His Wife Isn’t Having Hearing Problems. Read MoreThe teacher decided to challenge the class with a riddle. “Does anyone know how to put 2 holes into one hole?” The class was stumped, and so the teacher assigned …
The teacher asked her class a riddle Read More